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  • FMLA and Employee Benefits Compliance

    During the webinar, Stacy H. Barrow, BAN’s Director of Compliance, will discuss the interaction between FMLA and employee benefit programs, including how to administer benefits while employees are on leave. Key takeaways include: Understanding when FMLA applies, what constitutes a serious health condition, employer responsibilities and notice requirements; Understanding how FMLA interacts with employee benefits, […]

  • Moving from the Rearview Mirror to Full-Scale Color-Radar: Using data and analytics to lower costs and predict the future of health care

    This session will focus on state-of-the-art systems and methodology that the most successful plan sponsors use to successfully manage and bend the health trend.

  • 2025 Health and Welfare Plan Compliance Update

    During this webinar, Stacy H. Barrow, BAN’s Director of Compliance, will provide attendees with an update on expanded health plan transparency under the Transparency in Coverage Final Rules and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, including the No Surprises Act. This session will also include a general update on employee benefits topics, including final mental health […]

  • Onboarding For Success

    Take your onboarding beyond paper collection! Engage your employees with the mission, its leaders, the team, and customer success for long-term retention.  Join Bobbi Kloss to learn how.

  • How to Survive a DOL Health Plan Audit

    During this informative webinar, Stacy H. Barrow, Esq., BAN’s Director of Compliance, provides an overview of the process when the DOL decides to audit or investigate an employer’s plan for compliance with ERISA and other Federal laws governing group health plans.  Attendees will understand what the DOL looks for during an audit, how to best […]

  • Maintaining Compliance – Employee Retention

    Do you have the right person in the right seat?  Are your compensation plan, company policies, and performance management procedures equitable?  Join Bobbi Kloss to find out, and to find out how to maintain fairness moving forward.

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